Sunday, October 21, 2012

Purpose of Study

Everything I do today moves with purpose... To the best of my ability, I had attempted to be perfect upon other's perspectives in the past. However, I have brutally come to realize that nothing I do will ever be. I can only become the best version of myself I can ever be. "Perfect" will be in bringing my very best to God no matter what human-being is judging... He is the greater force out there and so I have surrendered myself to God, allowing Him to work through me as I continue to work for Him in fulfilling my purpose on Earth.

Ever since I could remember (as a four-year old child), I have had a beautiful warm feeling in my heart to which I have always referred to as God's love. I have felt His presence all along though sometimes it seemed very faint. I understood I would never be able to find the answers to many things on my own. To seek answers, I had attended bible studies, classes in church, but I now have a true burning desire to learn... more than ever. The yearn for more is naturally embedded within each of us, or so I come to conclude. I want to know more about God. My life experiences have been an incredible learning curve in which I continue to discover mysteries of life as the days unfold. These mysteries go beyond my understanding yet I acknowledge them as blessings from God.

To know God, I have decided to emerge myself in study through the use of the Bible (edition: "Holy Bible" Good News Translation Catholic Edition), the Catechism (edition "Catechism of the Catholic Church - With Modifications from the Editio Typica"), and the guidance from a Catholic priest (fictional name will be used). I have privately journalized in the past; but today, I have decided to share my perspectives, responses, and insights... For nothing we have is worth having if we are not able to give or share it.

The responses to my readings of the Catechism are not intended to provide answers but to express my own understanding of my studies and to share with people who may find it valuable. My personal purpose is to understand the catholic religion more- its teachings of Sacred Scripture, to deepen my knowledge of the Christian mystery, and for enlivening my faith as a child of God. I will receive my gained knowledge of this experience in a spirit of communion with an open heart and use it vigilantly in fulfilling my mission.

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