Sunday, December 2, 2012

Stages of God's Revelation


Section One: "I Believe"- "We Believe"

Chapter Two: God Comes to Meet Man


II. The Stages of Revelation 
"In the beginning God makes himself known."
God reveals himself to us from the very beginning starting with our first parents. They were called to come in intimate communion in which he clothed them with resplendent grace and justice. This revelation was not broken by sin, but was buoyed by God through hope of salvation, promising redemption. He wishes eternal life for all to all those who wait for him in righteous doing. 

Covenant of Noah after the flood was another stage or revelation by God. He gives expression of the "divine economy" in which each had their own families and language in their nations. This division is to limit the pride of fallen humanity and to continue united in its ambition. However, both the polytheism and the idolatry threaten to break this with paganism. Through the times of Gentiles, this covenant remains until the proclamation of the Gospel. Heights of sanctity are expressed in the sacred scripture to those who live according to the covenant: "gather into one the children of God who are scattered abroad." 

God calls Abram and names him Abraham to gather scattered humanity. Through him all nations of the earth would be blessed. Once all come to believe they would be the root onto which the Gentiles would be grafted. 

God formed Israel as his people when he set them free from slavery in Egypt after the patriarchs. The covenant of Mount Sinai through Moses was established so people would serve him the "one living true God, the provident Father and just judge, and so that they would look for the promised Savior." 

God forms his people in hope of salvation through the prophets with a new everlasting Covenant "intended for all, to be written on their hearts." Prophets proclaim a "radical redemption of the People of God, purification from all their infidelities, a salvation which will include all the nations." 

Comment: God has revealed himself to us from the very beginning. These stages were covenants he continuously made through time, starting with our first parents, Noah, Abraham, forming his people of Israel, and prophets. He reveals salvation as we commit to come in communion with him remaining in his light. 

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