Section One: "I Believe"- "We Believe"
Chapter One: Man's Capacity for God
I took this picture about two years ago... I knew at that moment
I was witnessing God's majestic beauty revealing before my eyes.
So beautiful, so perfect... thanking our Creator for all his creation. |
II. Ways of Coming to Know God
We are called to know and love God, as we seek Him we discover Him (proofs for the existence of God). Scientifically, we may not be able to simply prove God, but the proof and certain obtainment of truth relies on "converging and convincing arguments."
"Ways" of approaching God as creation have a "twofold point of departure: the physical world and the human person."
World: We can ratify God when we take a look around; there is "movement, becoming, contingency, and the world's order and beauty." St. Paul writes to the Gentiles about how we come to know and perceive God's invisible nature and eternal power in the things that have been made. St. Augustine contentions the challenge: Questioning the beauties of all surroundings- from the sky, earth, seas, and air itself... He refers to beauty as a profession. For such profession to come to existence there must be a creator, the Beautiful One.
Human Person: Man questions himself about God's existence "with his openness to truth and beauty, his sense of moral goodness, his freedom and the voice of his conscience, with his longings for the the infinite and for happiness." All this beholds of his spiritual soul, which is "seed of eternity we bear in ourselves, irreducible to the merely material." The soul can only have its origin in God.
These twofold points contain within themselves neither their first principle nor their final end, but rather partake in Being. In a different manner, man comes to acknowledge the existence of reality, which is the "first cause and final end of all things," a reality that everyone refers to as God.
Man's aptitude allows recognition of God. However, intimacy and relationship with God is achieved through God's will as He reveals himself to man and gives man grace to welcome such revelation in faith. "The proofs of God's existence, however, can predispose one to faith and help one to see that faith is not opposed to reason."
Comment: God surrounds us- His creations and as we simply are in the "being." There is order, patterns, and movement all around us. We can see that someone or something must have put it in order and in movement. Big Band theory coming to mind, I must ask "Who lit the fuse?" Everything is moving, someone had to start it... God did.
I embrace the idea of by how we come to accept God as an existent reality. Knowing that He exists is not enough, however. We must experience Him through faith- the ability to welcome Him in our hearts, the ability which He granted us. (Another proof on how we are from Him and for Him.) I cannot help but want to close my eyes and just be... feeling His presence.