Sunday, November 11, 2012

Acknowledge God through Church (Why)


Section One: "I Believe"- "We Believe"

Chapter One: Man's Capacity for God

Believing in God can help block anxiety and minimize stress,
according to new research that shows distinct brain differences
between believers and non-believers. (Credit: iStockphoto/James Steidl)

III. The Knowledge of God According to the Church

"Our holy mother, the Church, holds and teaches that God, can be known with certainty from the created world by the natural light of human reason." 
Created in his image, man is able to welcome God's revelation. 

However, historically, man has continuously struggled to come to know God when relying on reason alone. This obstacle prevents man from the effective and fruitful use of his naturally inborn spirit capabilities. God and man together "transcend the visible order of things," which if deciphered and influenced to human action means and proposes man to self-surrenderer and abnegation. The human mind prevents man from understanding these, due to natural impacts of senses and imagination; even more so, by the "disordered appetites which are the consequences of original sin." This in turn, allows for easy self-persuasion to neglect truth, consider God as false and even become doubtful.  

Considering the above, man is therefore, called to need the enlightenment of God's revelation (church). These will not only include things that surpass human understanding but religious moral truths which are not out of reach from man comprehension. This is so we can presently, as a race, come to know God with ease and "with firm certainty and no admixture of error."

Comment: We are born with a natural inclination to come to know God, and there are different ways to come to know him. The above brief, allows me to really acknowledge the church as a holy sacred place in which we come to enlighten ourselves with the truth. We need to continuously seek God in this manner because our minds can deceive us to turn away due to our natural sin. We must recharge our spirits at church... Our spirit, then, can become stronger in faith and nourish a more beautiful relationship with God. 

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