Sunday, November 18, 2012

Speak About God (How)


Section One: "I Believe"- "We Believe"

Chapter One: Man's Capacity for God

We can plant a seed, but
only God can grow the tree. 

IV. How Can We Speak About God? 

Our knowledge of God is limited and so is our language. We start off by taking creatures as our starting point so we can name God, according to our own capabilities. 

As God's creations, all creatures resemble God in one way or another- especially man who was created in the imagine and likeness of God. The beauty each carries within, expresses and reflects the infinite beauty of God... "for from the greatness and beauty of created things comes a corresponding perception of their Creator." 

God creates all creatures. We should, therefore, work on purifying our language of all in which it is limited, image-bound or imperfect. We must not confuse our image with "inexpressible, incomprehensible, invisible, and ungraspable"- with our human representations. Our language always falls short to God's mystery.  

Since we can only use human language to express, our words cannot attain God himself and are unable to express him in his "infinite simplicity." More so, between the "Creator and creature no similitude can be expressed without implying an even greater dissimilitude;" and "concerning God, we cannot grasp what he is but only what he is not, and how other things stand in relation to him."

Comment: We experience God through our five senses. Because we see his product and results, his creation is what we can undoubtedly witness as we live. We are a form of expression from him, we are living proof of his miracle in creating. We are therefore, able to speak of him starting with what is visible to us... for everything was made by him. I conclude, however, we are limited to express since our language is limited. Yet, outside of the brief written, I believe we can connect with our hearts. What words cannot verbalize, our hearts can feel empower another level of understanding that only comes from God himself. 

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